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Transit agencies announce service delays for Thursday, Feb. 18

UPDATE: FEB. 18, 2021: GoDurham has begun all service on time, though the agency will continue to monitor conditions throughout the day.


FEB. 17, 2021 – Because of the possibility of inclement weather, some Triangle area transit agencies have announced they will delay the start to their service Thursday morning.


  • Chapel Hill Transit plans to delay the start of its fixed-route and demand-response service until at least 11 a.m. Thursday.
  • GoCary plans to delay both until at least 10 a.m.
  • GoTriangle plans to delay both until noon, with the exception of GoTriangle Route 420 between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, which will not run.
  • GoWake Access has canceled all trips except for previously scheduled trips for chemotherapy or dialysis.
  • GoRaleigh and its demand-response service teams were planning to run a normal schedule Thursday,


After assessing conditions overnight, the agencies will update customers early Thursday on whether service will be further delayed. Customers should check agency websites or Twitter accounts or call 919-485-7433 before heading to a bus stop Thursday.


Find GoTriangle on Twitter at http://twitter.com/GoTriangle, GoDurham at http://twitter.com/GoDurhamTransit, GoRaleigh at http://twitter.com/GoRaleighNC and Chapel Hill Transit at twitter.com/chtransit.


To keep up to date, customers also can sign up for service alerts from most Triangle agencies at gotriangle.org/service-alerts.