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Bus Stop Balancing Study

What is Bus Stop Balancing?

Bus stop balancing is one of the best ways to speed up bus trips. It helps buses run faster by making sure that bus stops are the right distance apart. This may mean removing stops that are too close together or not used very often, so the bus is not stopping so often and can travel faster to the destination. Balancing may also mean adding a stop if the current stops are too far apart to serve passengers well, or where there is a popular destination. This process will use community priorities to decide which changes should happen.

Example of Bus Stop Balancing:

Why Now?

One of the key themes heard during the Durham County Transit Plan and Better Bus Project public outreach is that improving bus service to be faster and more reliable is a top priority for Durham transit riders. Durham residents also said the most important bus stops are:

  • Stops that are used most-often
  • Stops that serve ethnic and racial minority populations, elderly residents, limited English-proficiency households, low-income households, and zero-vehicle households
  • Stops that serve youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities
  • Stops that serve major destinations and/or important community resources (like healthcare facilities, social services, schools, food pantries, etc.)

How Does the Process Work?

When identifying which stops will be considered for removal, addition or relocation, the Project Team will focus on the stops listed above as well as:

  • Stops that are too close together
  • Stops that are too far apart
  • Stops that are not used very often
  • Stops with access and safety issues
  • Stops with construction concerns
