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Durham County ACCESS

Durham County ACCESS provides transportation to Durham County residents that meet certain criteria as defined by grant funding standards. Durham County residents who are disabled, 60 years of age or older, transportation disadvantaged, or live in rural areas of Durham County are eligible for service. Durham County ACCESS also provides trips for activities and destinations related to:

  • Work and Work-Related Training

  • Nutritional and Medical Appointments

  • Shopping and Personal Needs Regardless of Age (based on factors including distance from the GoDurham fixed-route bus service)


Applying to Use Durham County ACCESS

Applications are required to ride Durham County ACCESS.  Applications can be submitted:


1. Online – Please complete and submit the Online Durham County ACCESS Application. 

NOTE: You will first be asked to create a user profile before completing the application.


2. Complete a Printed Application – Please complete the Printed Application and return via email, fax, mail, or dropped off at:


Tammy Pettiford, ADA Coordinator
1911 Fay Street
Durham, NC 27704
Fax: (919) 560-1550
Email: tammy.pettiford@wedriveu.com

Incomplete applications will not be processed, and you will be notified in that case. Completed applications will be reviewed within 3 business days after receipt to determine eligibility for service. For applications that do not meet eligibility requirements, GoDurham ACCESS staff will work to provide additional options.