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Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Projects

Bus Stop Improvements

GoDurham is committed to providing a safe and comfortable customer experience at the bus stop. We are working to improve the customer experience through: 

  • Locating bus stops in safe locations where people need them
  • Providing clean and well-maintained bus stops and shelters
  • Installing more bus stop amenities such as shelters, benches and trash cans

Learn more about improvements at gotriangle.org/stops.


Bull City residents have the opportunity to improve the appearance and safety of our community by partnering with Keep Durham Beautiful to "adopt" a bus stop. The Adopt-A-Stop program allows residents to make a difference in the community to help keep Durham litter-free. Volunteers should clean their bus stop at least four times a month (or once a week). Getting on board with the Adopt-a-Stop program is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Choose a bus stop; contact Keep Durham Beautiful to set up an Adoption Agreement
  2. Sign the agreement and pick up work logs, safety materials, and supplies from Keep Durham Beautiful.
  3. Keep your stop clean. Volunteers should clean their stops at least twice a month. In exchange for completed work logs, adoptees will get 10 day passes per month.

Contact Keep Durham Beautiful at 919-560-4197 to find out how you can help.