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Public Meetings

The Next GoDurham Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 7th at 5:30 PM on the second floor inside Durham Station. 

GoDurham Public Meetings are meetings where the public is invited to share feedback and provide questions for our GoDurhamTransit staff regarding service changes, rider experiences, current transit projects, etc. Below are summaries from GoDurham's previous public meetings and answers to frequently asked transit-related questions. 

Public Meeting Summaries

June 2024 Public Meeting

Service Restoration

  • GoDurham continuously hires bus operators as we prioritize service frequency through service changes. With ongoing bus operator employment and service frequency increasing, the need for Diesel Mechanics continues to grow to sustain the conditions of our buses.



  • The August 24th Service Changes will significantly change Routes 1, 4, 6, and 9. Changes to other routes are minor (routes 2/12/12B, 3/3B/3C, 7, 11, 11B) but intended to improve on-time performance or make service more efficient


GoDurham Marketing & Engagement 

  • GoDurham is committed to continuously improving the conditions of each of our bus stop locations throughout the City of Durham. The new QR Bus Stop Code initiative launched on March 4, 2024, encourages our customers to provide their feedback from the convenience of their cellular device.


  • GoDurham is committed to being involved within the community we frequent through various marketing activities and involvement with reputable and influential Durham organizations.

City of Durham Announcements

  • The City of Durham is prioritizing improving language barriers. 

  • The City Council will meet in June 2024 to vote on whether Durham Transit will be fare-free through FY 2025. 

  • City officials are excited about the upcoming start of The Durham Station Construction Project in August 2024.


A Complete summary of the meeting can be Found Here: https://godurhamtransit.org/sites/default/files/2024-06/june-2024-public-meeting-notes.pdf


Service Restoration

  • Go Durham has been successful in hiring many bus operators to meet the upcoming April 27, 2024, Service Change.  We are actively recruiting for coach operators and Diesel Mechanics. Please refer to godurhamtransit.org and click on careers. 

  • April 27th Service Changes will improve service frequency during evenings, Sundays, and holidays.     

For more information on April 27th service change and schedule visit godurhamtransit.org

Public Outreach and Customer Engagement 

  •     Go Durham is committed to engaging the community by working collaboratively for long-term and sustainable outcomes, processes, relationships, and decision making. 

  •     FQ2024 consisted in participating in multiple City of Durham events. 

  •     The new QR Bus Stop Code initiative launched on March 4, 2024.  The purpose is to garner feedback from the public as relates bus stop conditions.

City Announcements

  •     The New Contract provides incentives and a retention bonus to our bus operators. 

  •     Feedback from the community is encouraged as we improve on bus stop cleanliness.

  •     The City Council met to determine if Durham Transit will be fare-free through FY2025.

  •     The Durham Station Construction Project will begin in August 2024.

A Complete summary of the meeting can be Found Here: April 2024 Public Meting Notes

February 2024 Public Meeting

February  2024 Public Meeting

Dozens gathered alongside community leaders and representatives from BikeDurham - The Transit Equity Campaign, Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, Durham Congregations in Action, People's Alliance - Coalition for Affordable Housing & Transit to participate in February 7th's Durham Transit Equity Week Forum to celebrate Rosa Parks' legacy with support for expanded bus service accessible to all of Durham. 



The forum discussed riders, staff, and public transit in Durham, North Carolina, how to improve overall service, and funding commitments to improve the system.


 Local and regional agencies describe proposals for expanded bus service and improved facilities to make progress on the long-standing racial imbalance in local transportation.


A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: February 2024 Public Meeting

December 2023 Public Meeting

December 2023 Public Meeting
Service Restoration
  • GoDurham began 2023 with 108 bus operators equating to approximately 30 bus operators short of the goal of 100% to operate at full service. As of December 2023, GoDurham has successfully increased and maintained a total of 134 bus operators with an upward trajectory towards full service in January 2024.
Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP)
  • The SRTP is entering the second phase. Within the Second phase there will be initiatives to expand service frequency in East and South Durham and expanding various current services, to conclude to 12 am, midnight.
  • Many other routes currently in service will increase to every 15 minutes.
For more information about the Short-Range Transit Plan, visit: goforwardnc.org/srtp
Service Improvements
  • The First round of Service Expansion is anticipated to begin in the Summer/Fall of 2024. Servicing North Durham, Route 9, Route 1, and Route 4.
  • Route 14 will be introduced from Duke University Hospital to Durham VA Medical on Erwin through Fulton Road.
  • GoDurham will remain fare-free through June 2024. Continuation of fare-free service beyond this is being inquired to serve the community better; funding and discussion are underway to have this continue until 2025, and ultimately indefinitely.
A Complete summary of the meeting can be Found Here: December 2023 Public Meeting Notes

October 2023 Public Meeting

October 2023 Public Meeting

Service Restoration

  • GoDurham is diligently working to achieve the pre-COVID schedule by reaching our Driver storage. We are currently at 85% of scheduled service and anticipate being at 97% by November 2023. The overall goal is to reach 100% by January/February 2024 for our growing and additional service.

Short Range Transit Plan (STRP)

The SRTP has completed Phase I of the transportation plan to improve service over the next 5 years.

  • Phase II of the public outreach will begin in October 2023.

Pop-Ups will be held at Durham Station on 10/26 at 9:30am – 11:30am, 11/1 – 4:30pm – 6:30pm and 11/7 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm.

  • For more information about the Short-Range Transit Plan, visit: goforwardnc.org/srtp
  • 7 new electric buses have joined GoDurham and one addition is on the way. This will place us at a total of 8. The electric bus will lower emission and be more efficient than diesel buses while reducing maintenance cost and improving the air quality in the community.
  • In 2019 we provided service to the State Fair. GoDurham is looking to bring back service in October 2024.

Service Improvements

  • We are looking to improve routes 4 & 9 to operate every 15 minutes to Duke Regional Hospital and route 13 to the Village, NCCU, Duke Regional and to Evans Road.
  • GoDurham will remain fare free through June 2024. Continuation of fare free service beyond this date has not been determined.

Federal Grant Funding

  • Every year GoDurham is awarded $5 Million funding for Grants 5307 and 5339.
  • Grant 5307 – Provides funding to public transportation agencies in Urbanized Areas for public transportation capital, planning, job access and reverse commute projects.
  • Grant 5339 – Provides funding to states and transit agencies to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment to construct bus-related facilities.
  • We must comply with its obligation to satisfy the requirements as it relates to ADA Policies and equal access, minority owned and women businesses, being respectful to the civil rights of all in our city and being inclusive as it relates to race, gender, disability, medical or other needs. To learn more about both grants visit: https:/www.transit.dot.gov.

Meeting Summary


A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: October 2023 Public Meeting 

August 2023 Public Meeting

  • GoDurham introduced their new Senior Director of Customer Engagement, Brenda Jones. 
  • GoDurham is conducting outreach throughout August and fall 2023 for the Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP).
    • The SRTP will  for Durham and Orange County will deterimine transportation improver over the next 5 years.
    • First phase of public outreach will be in August 2023. The second will be coming later in Fall 2023.
    • For more information about the Short Range Transit Plan, visit: goforwardnc.org/srtp
  • GoDurham is on track to return to full service on all routes in January 2024.
  • 6 new electric buses will be joining GoDurham’s fleet in September 2023.
  • Tara Walton shared that GoDurham ACCESS has hired additional bus operators and are working to hire 5 bus operators to achieve their full operations staff. 
  • The City has awarded a design contract for Durham Station Improvements. There will be new renderings coming soon of what the improvements to Durham Station will look like. 
  • The City of Durham was awarded a $292,500 federal grant to draft Phase 1 plans for a new Village Transit Center (VTC) mobility hub. To learn more about the grant, visit: https://www.durhamnc.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=3470
  • GoDurham Connect, the microtransit pilot program served by Lyft is now Durham Connect and has received a few updates. For more information about Durham Connect, visit https://gotriangle.org/durham-connect

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: August 2023 Public Meeting

June 2023 Public Meeting

  • GoDurham will  add service to the following routes beginning June 24, 2023 :
    • Route 8 departing Durham Station at :30 will be restored back to regular service levels.
    • The Route 2 will go back to departing Durham Station at :15 and :45 intervals.
    • 11/11B will be restored to full service levels.
  • GoDurham is now operating at the highest level of bus operator staff since the pandemic, helping to restore future routes to their pre-pandemic levels. 
  • City of Durham has announced contract changes regarding transportation planning. The City has hired a new Mobility Service Planning Manager and are creating two new service planning positions. 
  • Wages for bus operators are set to increase on July 1st. Hourly salary to begin at $19.65, increasing to over $21 after 6 months. 
  • Short term improvements for transit are being planned with the Short Range Transit Plan. The Short Range Transit Plan epects to provide proposals for transit improvements to the public in August 2023. Improvments for services to be communicated early next year including crosstown service. 

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: June 2023 Public Meeting

April 2023 Public Meeting

GoDurham Updates:

  • GoDurham has made plans for service restoration plans for the following routes in July 2023:
    • Route 8 departing Durham Station at :30 will be restored back to regular service levels.
    • The Route 2 will go back to departing Durham Station at :15 and :45 intervals.
    • 11/11B will be restored to full service levels.
  • City of Durham Transportation’s Mobility services manager, Brian Fahey, has put together a mobility services task force. This task force meets weekly and have created solicitations to access services. RFI is scheduled to be released soon.
  • Riders can expect more and more bus stops with improved shelters and are moving aggressively to plan and construct additional packages for stops and includes better shelters, benches, and sidewalks.
  • Regarding Fayetteville and Holloway corridors, this year’s planning phase has finished in plans to improve the entire corridor including sidewalks and bus shelters.
  • GoDurham ACCESS has added 6 new buses operators in service. 

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: April 2023 Public Meeting

February 2023 Meeting

GoDurham Updates:

  • $4.3 million in federal funding awarded in January for transit and trail projects, including $2.3 million in funding for the R. Kelly Bryant bridge trail. The trail will connect North Carolina Central University, Eastway Elementary, the McDougald Terrace Neighborhood, Rocky Creek Greenway, Elmira Park, East End Park, Long Meadow Park and Burton Park.
  • Durham County Transit Plan is out for final comment, the Transit plan includes service frequency improvements, adding new cross town services, Commuter Rail and other improvements. Once GoDurham returns to full service the goal will be to increase overall service and frequency with the funding from the Durham Transit Plan. For more information, visit: engagedurham.com/101/Durham-Transit-Plan
  • Bus Stop Balancing Study, a study to help buses run faster by making sure that bus stops are the right distance apart. This may mean removing stops that are too close together or not used very often, so the bus can travel faster to the destination. For more information, visit: godurhamtransit.org/bus-stop-balancing-study
  • The Commuter Rail Feasibility Study is currently receiving comments for how the commuter rail can be best funded and the best processes for implementation. To learn more, visit https://www.readyforrailnc.com/feasibility/

GoDurham ACCESS Updates:

  • GoDurham ACCESS has added 8 new buses to its fleet.

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: February 2023 Public Meeting

December 2022 Meeting

GoDurham Updates:

  • For Durham Station Improvements contstruction, Perkins and Will were awarded design contracts and Samet was awarded contract for pre-construction services.
  • GoDurham Connect, GoDurham's Pilot Program in collaboration with Lyft to offer free rides in designated service areas, will be expanded to North Durham on Nov. 5th Learn more by visiting HERE.
  • The Better Bus Project's final comment phase is concluding. Learn more at GoDurham Better Bus Project
  • GoDurham is seeking applications from qualified individuals of Durham for the voluntary positions of Members of its Community Transportation Advisory Group (CTAG) Learn more by visiting HERE.

GoDurham ACCESS Updates:

No additional GoDurham ACCESS updates.

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: December 2022 Public Meeting

October 2022 Meeting

GoDurham Updates:

  • GoDurham Connect, GoDurham's Pilot Program in collaboration with Lyft to offer free rides in designated service areas, will be expanding to North Durham on Nov. 5th 
  • Thanks to the 5.7 million FTA grant awarded to the City of Durham, GoDurham will receive 6 new electric buses to add to their fleet. 
  • The Better Bus Project has released recommendations for the Holloway and Fayettville Street transit corridor and is accepting comments from the public. Learn more at GoDurham Better Bus Project

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: October 2022 Public Meeting

August 2022 Meeting

GoDurham Updates:

  • GoDurham has enacted a new stroller policy allowing children to stay in strollers when boarding the bus. 
  • GoDurham will be updating smoking policies at Durham Station and create a designated smoking area.
  • City of Durham has received federal formula funding which will help add newer buses to the GoDurham fleet. 

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: August 2022 Public Meeting

June 2022 Public Meeting

GoDurham Updates:

  • GoDurham to remain fare-free until June 30th. On June 30th an announcement will be made regarding whether fares return or remain suspended
  • Repairs are scheduled as soon as possible for damage to Durham Station door and window from 5/18 incident.
  • Route 12 will have a temporary service change starting July 16th to detour on NC-147 to improve frequency.
  • Plans to implement a policy to allow strollers on buses, so that they do not have to be folded while riding.
  • City of Durham Transportation has raised 20 million in federal funds, which will go towards servicing disadvantaged communities.

Meeting Summary

A meeting summary is available for download by clicking the link: June 2022 Public Meeting

Frequently Asked Questions

Will GoDurham get new buses?

Q: Is GoDurham getting new buses?

A: GoDurham has a five year plan for ordering new vehicles to replace older vehicles.

How often are buses cleaned?

Q: How often are buses cleaned?

A: GoDurham cleans every bus every day. Most buses leave the maintenance garage between 5:30 and 7 a.m. and remain in service until 7 p.m. Unfortunately, sometimes an accident may occur in the morning which results in the bus becoming dirty. GoDurham operators do their best to spot clean their vehicle and if a major mess is found, our maintenance team makes every effort to switch the vehicle and address the issue. This is one of the reasons why no food or drink other than water is allowed on GoDurham vehicles.

What is GoDurham doing about the condition of the seats?

Q: What is GoDurham doing about the condition of the seats?

A: We've noticed that seats can get very dirty during the course of normal operations. We clean seats weekly, but we are looking into changing the fabric seats with plastic seats that will be easier to spot clean.

How long will the 2003 buses be on the road?

Q: How long will the 2003 buses be on the road?

A: All of our oldest buses have been retired. GoDurham is focusing on adding 100% electric buses to our fleet, with 2 added in 2021 and 6 more coming in 2023.